Silvia Lara Marquez has always been representative of the kind of Maricopa most residents are looking for. Is she perfect? No. Who is afterall. She does however embody an all inclusive nature most residents are looking for in these troubled times.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, from 6-7:30pm at Raceway Bar and Grill business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals invested in supporting our local economy were given an opportunity to discuss future plans for our commUNITY.
The sponsors included: Hoosier Plumbing Company, NID Housing Counseling, Bella Property Boutique, Giovanni's Custom Flooring & Renovations, Universal Roofing Specialists LLC,Luguensi Pressure Washing!.

Should you be interested in hosting an event, please contact: and leave an instant message, or send an email to:
Check out a few event photos: Credit Silvia Lara Marquez