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Working Remote and Employee Mental Health

The Covid-19 Pandemic changed corporate work permanently. Who would have thought that almost 3 years later so many employers would have leaned into allowing their employees to work from home? Surprisingly, working from home has proven to be more productive and cost saving for many companies. Employees have shown working from home can increase performance, productivity, and creativity. However, working remotely has also taken a toll on employee mental health.

What employers are now realizing is that there are some side effects that come along with working from home. Those side effects include a lack of work-life balance, isolation, and burnout. People that work from home tend to work more hours than they did in the office. It’s more difficult to separate work from your personal life because you’re at home in your personal environment day in and day out. Working such long hours can lead to burn out and mental fatigue. Employees that work remotely also complain of feeling lonely and isolated due to not being able to interact with their co-workers in person.

The best way to tackle these issues is for companies to put strong resources in place that are supportive for employee well-being, such as an Employee Assistance Program. EAP’s offer a variety of resources that deal with stress, depression, grief, weight loss support, finances etc. Employers should also encourage employees to take vacation and personal time off to have a healthier mental balance.

By Sherice Fry - Maricopa Resident

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