"I feel ready and confident with a cute flattering outfit and my face made up for the day! I’ve watched a ton of “how to” videos on how to accentuate my best features with make-up techniques, so when I’m ready to walk out that door, I feel confident & sassy!"
Perk up tip: "Magnetic Eyelashes, Body Bronzer, A gorgeous perfume & Body Butter".
Donae Cotton
It is never too late to start a skin care routine. Give yourself protection from sun damage and lower your risks. Hydration is key to showing your natural glow. Maximize your makeup routine with a bright clean canvas. Healthy skin is glowing skin!
Veronica Sanchez
Avon Independent Sales Representative
"A great skincare routine is the key to flawless looking makeup!"
Suzy Rawlins
“I take care of myself so I can take care of my customers. If I look and feel great then that will flow through to the customer service I provide my guests, the leadership I provide my soap making team, and my business overall.”
LaDonda Dees
Owner of Buff City Soap Tempe & Maricopa
"When you wake up wanting to conquer your day; it comes down to your confidence within yourself. Your energy will be expressed through your fashion, and I believe bright colors create motivation. A good pair of jean shorts, tank top & sandals- to me represents an inner freedom. A little mascara and blush is all I need to help Create & Crush a productive day! Fashion also is a perspective of others first impression of you, when you wake up "BE YOU," just add a little sparkle!"
Make-up tips: "To help boost my energy a bright sundress, sandals & a little lip gloss never hurts to help turn my day around".
Stacy Elliott
Stace Promotions | IG Stacepromotions
“Working as a professional Makeup Artist across the country since 1985 I’ve seen many trends come and go. However, there are some beauty staples that are timeless and should always be embraced. We all know great skin gives you that healthy glow but remember, it is achieved not only by a great skincare regimen but by staying hydrated, drinking plenty of water, eating a whole food healthy diet, taking your supplements, never smoking, protecting your skin from the suns’ damaging rays, exercise regularly & avoid stress. When you keep the make up application simple your true beauty has the opportunity to shine through. My recommendation for a recent trend that is on its way out is to tone it down on the artificial-looking brows and lashes. We want to see the beauty in your eyes and not be distracted by the overly-intense brow and lash affects. Keep it simple & be confidant in your own natural beauty.”
Sonya Doswell Makeup Artist
"It is never too late to start a skin care routine especially when women are starting menopause. What worked for you before may change as your body changes. One thing I know is that hydration is key to showing your natural glow. I also love to add Turmeric to my face soap to help with any skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema! Turmeric has a wealth of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties for preventing wrinkles and breakouts."
Safiyyah Johnson SofreshSmells Natural Products
SoFreshSmells Natural Products
"I feel it is important to understand and respect the “who, where and what” of every event I attend. The clothes and makeup I choose to wear will affect my attitude and confidence while attending the event. I always want to feel confident while showing my respect for the host/hostess of the event. The choice in clothes & makeup will set the tone for my evening".
Tip: The media tries to sell us ALL of their goods as the “new” trend. It is crucial that I understand my body type, skin tone and face shape before “buying” any of the media trends. Once you understand your physical strengths, you can start “investing” in your “feel good” pieces. These are the pieces/skin care that I can rely on to keep me feeling my best, positive self.
Torri Anderson
Community Advocate, MUSD BOD, Against Abuse Inc BOD, AAI
Seeds of Change Gala - Chairperson
"For health from the inside out, I like to recommend sticking to 5 simple pillars. They are as follows:
Whole Foods
Eat a probiotic and prebiotic rich diet, this includes sauerkraut, whole plain Greek yogurt, tempeh, miso, kimchi, and resistant fibers, like green bananas, cooked and cooled potatoes, inulin, psyllium husk, etc.".
Joey Rea
OLIVESPA | Director
Main: (480) 888-9290 | Cell: (480) 544-1033
25062 S Meridian Rd, Queen Creek, AZ
"1. Be careful with stain-causing drinks. No red wine, soda or coffee without a straw!
2. Brush, brush, brush! Those stains cannot remove themselves! (But I can!)
3. No smoking! Sorry to be a buzz kill, but this will stain your teeth faster than anything else.
4. SMILE OFTEN! Nothing is more beautiful".
Jane E. Masterson, Business Owner of Belle Vie Beauty @KBella Spa & Wellness, is now offering professional Cosmetic Teeth Whitening in Maricopa! She has great tips for keeping those teeth pearly white.
20800 N John Wayne Pkwy, Ste 116, Maricopa, AZ
(720) 413-8486
© 2022 by O'Jon Consulting a Subsidiary of O'Jon Enterprises LLC - Website Designed By Chrystal Allen-O'Jon 520-728-5807